AquinoSystems – Engineering Services for Sustainable Development


As a contribution to the organizations working in the field of development in the WASH sector, AquinoSystems presents the below publications, which can be used as free of charge training material, and you must only mention the source in any reference. To download the documents, please just click on the corresponding subtitle.

1. Capacity Building at the Community Level

  • Full PHAST: this revised version by AquinoSystems addressed to strength the hygiene promotion and the operation and maintenance of WASH facilities, includes the facilitator manual as well as the drawings for the development of the workshops. This version is adapted to the context of Latin America, the Caribbean and Southeast of Asia where has been widely implemented.

2. Manuals for the management of computer apps developed by AquinoSystems

  • Water Systems: This manual guides you gently on the use of the “Water Systems” package developed by AquinoSystems. The package includes computer software to design main pipelines, brached distribution networks, sewer, water supply systems in emergencies and budgets.
  • Mobile Monitoring System: This manual describes the use of the “Mobile Monitoring System” app including the software to compile and track the activities progress in the field based on the logic framework which is being feed by mobile applications installed in smart phones to report such progress.
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